
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Day 12 Standings

The race is heating up with much still to be decided! Kara is still in front, but others are catching up!

Kristin D's team seems to have been a little too patriotic, putting her at a big disadvantage. If only her patriotism had pulled her to pick Bode Miller...

Ryan's scores were hurt by the colossal stupidity of the Netherlands coach that told Sven Kramer to go into the wrong lane. Instead of 10 points for Ryan, he gets 0, and Trent pulls out a Bronze for 3 points when Bob de Jong slid into 3rd. That's a 13 point swing in the standings!

The relays and team events are playing huge parts on all of our teams - some expected to win indivdual medals that disappointed are pulling out big team performances.

The big team events are still to be decided and it will all come down to this weekend! Kara's team did take a blow today, as her Russian hockey team was eliminated by Canada, resulting in no chance for a medal.

It's the home stretch...the race for the Mountie trophies is on!

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