
Friday, August 3, 2012

Day 6, Thursday August 2nd

Today provided a flurry of medals (for most teams - myself and The Tony Danzas are playing the waiting game).

First, I want to issue an apology to Kristin J, as I had misread her team name as "The Daft Bottin," which makes no sense.  Of course, the correct name is "The Daft Boffin," which provides plenty of appropriate humour and British relevance.  Go hit up Alta Vista, Ask Jeeves, or use your favourite search engine to seek out further definition, and kudos to Kristin J on a clever name!

Here is the leaderboard for today (I sorted to make it easier to see that my team is terrible!):

For those who like the old leaderboard, here's the teams in draft order:

Big points today dropped in from the Rowing competition.  With the rowing squads counting for team points, teams can quickly move up the leaderboard.  The Cheerios were smart to grab the dominant USA Women Eights team who secured a Gold and a 10 point boost.  The potential for points even had Team Mark excitedly calling me trying to piece together if it was his Great Britain Fours team that won a silver today (Conclusion: No, that event is still to come, today was "Lightweight" Fours men where Faster, Higher, Stronger won a Bronze).

Other noteworthy points from the day are obviously the big win by Gabby Douglas taking the Gold Gymnastics All-Around.  The Daft Boffin did miss out on Jordyn Weiber participating in and possibly winning this event, but she intelligently selected Victoria Komova of Russia as a wild card selection who nearly stole the Gold away from Gabby, but cried herself to a Silver.  That's right Russia, 2 is not a winner and 3, nobody remembers.  Too bad you couldn't win one for the motherland.

In swimming, there were some more races, and more medals, and more continuous coverage of the Phelps/Lochte/Franklin NBC lovefest.  I mean really, NBC, we get it - they're world class athletes, but how many times to you have to ask Phelps if he's "back," or "lost it."  And how many times do you have to ask Lochte how it feels to swim against Phelps, and how many times do we need to be reminded that Missy Franklin is only 17, and from Colorado where no one apparently can swim and she's just so darn happy all the time.  How about covering all the people that are BEATING these superstars and probably have interesting stories about them! 

Well, track and field is starting tomorrow so that should be refreshing.  Also, I'm not bitter that my swimmer sucked.

Badminton-gate expelled 8 athletes from the games, however the lone Badminton selection was by Mad Hatter with Zhao Yunlei of China, who was not declared part of the expulsions and is an even stronger Gold medal favorite now.  It would have been interesting if we had declared Badminton a sport category in the draft!  We may have to add a rule for next time that you would lose points for throwing matches.

Onto Day 7...patiently waiting on some points.

1 comment:

  1. Well, truth be told, I clearly wrote "The Daft Dottin" on my draft card..... although I surely meant Doffin..... I'll blame it on being sleepy, but really, any excuse on my part is complete rubbish ;) Thank you for catching that.... although it surely hasn't helped my standings :)
