
Saturday, August 6, 2016

Your 2016 Fantasy Olympics Teams

The 2016 Rio Olympics have arrived - the Opening Ceremonies gave us some captivating silver pillows, spiders, projectors, interesting neon pink arrow fashion choices, and of course fireworks.

The biggest fireworks of the evening certainly came as the fantasy draft launched.  PiranhaMama sunk her teeth into Simone Biles, the USA powerhouse gymnast - projected for 5 golds and 50 points - to kick off the draft.  It Phelps to Walsh Your Hands After Swimming in the Poop Infested Water (IPTWYHASITPIW) kept true to the swimming theme and grabbed Katie Ledecky of the USA second.   Guanabara Gladiators continued the mad-grab for swimming in the first round with Cate Campell of Australia. Michael Phelps may be older, but still a powerhouse and chosen by Brazil Nuts.  Real Winner broke with the project point total and moved down to Emily Seebohm, swimming, Australia. Team Mark looks for lightning in the bottle with Usain Bolt once again.  Team Leroy jumped back to swimming grabbing Cameron McEvoy of Australia.  Closing out the first round, Fogo de Champion took the top projected Men's gymnast on the board in Kohei Uchimura of Japan.

Each team leader drafted players into the following 16 categories, then also two WILD CARD slots that could be from any category or other sport also at the games.  Individual medals are worth 10 for Gold, 5 for Silver, 3 for Bronze and Team medals are worth 20 for Gold, 10 for Silver, and 6 for Bronze.

The draft continued throughout the night featuring twists, turns, wild Wild Card picks, and plenty of sophomoric humor.  Nothing brings people together like splitting into teams.

That being said, here are your eight 2016 Fantasy Olympics teams:

In addition, each team drafted a Tiebreaker Country, only to be implemented in the case of a tie in the final standings.

I also ran a quick tabulation of the teams drafted and how the final standings would look if every prediction came true - think of this as a Draft Grade.

PiranhaMama...we're coming for you.  You may have never won a medal in the previous Fantasy Olympics, but you have a commanding lead in the projections.

Best of luck to all!  But mostly best of luck to my Fogo de Champion elite team. (And go USA!)

ALSO - we have our first expansion franchise!  Katie and Nick participated in a previous Fantasy Olympics with us, and has taken the fun to another state.  The Fantasy Olympics fever is spreading (and is something you WANT to catch, unlike Zika).
Check out their updates at Tell City Fantasy Olympics

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