
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Draft Results and Projections

Thank you so much again for coming to participate in this crazy event! We love each of you and really are so thankful you are willing to participate!
We have already been enjoying watching events all day and tracking on who has which athlete. I recommend printing out your team (and maybe everyone's!) to track who to cheer for. Caleb and I had a couple weightlifters going head to head earlier and I lost.

If you want to print I recommend going to the players page, filtering on your team, and then exporting out an excel file with your team and you can format the info you want. You also can print from the google sheets file.
There already have been a number of medals awarded and I'll be updating the scoreboard nightly (don't want to spoil the results all day!).
I will be making updates based on actual day by day results, so I want to caution that what you may watch live in "Prime time" evening for us is really happening in the next day in Tokyo, so don't worry if I didn't account for your gold medalist, yet - it may show up the next day.

I took an export of the draft results and tabulated the projected points for each team. This can kind of be seen as a "draft grade." The one caveat is all the write-in selections do not have projected points added, so while TokYoMama may be at the bottom of these standings, they have the most write-in athletes at 3 which greatly impact these results.


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